Day 27–Saying Goodbye

Day 27–Saying Goodbye

In our culture, we’re pretty awful at saying goodbye. Whether we rush a hug before heading out the door or we get angry at each other instead of just being sad and sharing how we want to hold on. Our culture is horrible at grieving. We often stuff the grief,...
Day 24 Courage Muscles

Day 24 Courage Muscles

The printed copy of the book is in the mail. I was notified last night. Publishing this book is the bravest thing I’ve ever done. In this moment of my life, I am building my courage muscles. It requires all of me. All of my attention. All of my devotion. Spirit...
DAY 22 –Which War Aches the Most?

DAY 22 –Which War Aches the Most?

Ucraine, I’m sorry. I have a hard time feeling sad and outraged for you. Not because what is happening isn’t awful. But because, there are so many other tragedies I’m still grieving. I’m pissed about what violence generates outrage and what is considered “normal.” I...